Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Having Fun At A Baby Shower Party With These Baby Games

Some people may be put in charge of running a baby shower and not know what they need to do. One of the top things that they will need to make sure is done is keep everyone together and in a festive mood. One way of doing that is to play baby shower games.

There are many games that someone may set up to play at a baby shower. Before the games start it is nice to have the group introduced to each other and maybe tell some stories of how they met the mother to be. As the games are completed the winners should be awarded some keepsake prizes.

One of the top games that can be played is very simple, guessing the size of the mother to be tummy. This is a game that requires only a few items, a spool of yarn or string and some scissors. Each participant cuts their piece of yarn from the spool at the length they think will fit around the mother to be tummy. The winner of this game is the person that comes closest to the exact tummy size.

Another game that is often played at baby showers would be giving each woman that comes to the shower a necklace with baby safety pins or clothes pins on it. When someone says the word baby, or it can be any other word, they have to give a pin to the first person that catches them saying the word. The person with the most pins at the end of the shower or by a specified time is declared the winner.

Another fun game is to load a container up with some items that are related to a baby, diapers, safety pins, or anything like that. Each guest will examine the container then make a guess on the number of items loaded into it. The participant that comes closest to guessing the amount in the container wins. An added rule can be put in place that if the guess is more than what's in the container then the person with the guess is disqualified.

A game that is popular is the baby bottle game. The object of this game is to put liquid into a baby bottle and see who can suck the liquid from the bottle the fastest. It can be a onetime race with everyone or break the party into groups then have the winners of the groups face each other. The person that sucks the liquid out the fastest is the winner.

Someone can set up quite a few baby shower games to be played. Although some people may get competitive playing the games it is important to keep everyone upbeat and having fun throughout the day.

Baby showers are such a fun event for everyone, but planning one can be quite a challenge for the hostess. Get baby shower games and ideas by visiting our site to help you plan your event. You can also choose from a wide variety of themes to use for your baby shower party such as the popular moon and stars theme.

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