Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby Games For 3-6 Month-Olds

As my little one grows up I'm always looking for new ways to keep her development moving. Here is a list of some games you can play from 3 to 6 months of age.

1. A piece of glass separates me from my best friend. around 4 or 5 months she was really looking at things and smiling at things so my wife found out something fun. Find a big mirror that you can stand in front of while holding baby. I would move her close enough until she would catch a glimpse of herself. She would immediately light up and start cooing and giggling. To this day this is our pre-bath routine. As she got older I would change distances to help keep her eyes exercised.

2. Help me name that. An adaptation to the baby eye-spy we played when she was younger was this game. Once she could reach out and touch things I would encourage her to touch things while I named it. Sometimes I think she got it other times she'd look at me and just grin. Again, this is another game we continue to play.

3. I must be butter cause I'm on a roll! Once she was used to being on her belly on the floor I'd get down and play with her. I'd put toys that were just out of her reach and have her try and get them. If she did happen to roll over or get the toy somehow I would get real excited and tell her how good she is and how big she is. As time progressed she loved the excitment I'd give her and she would do it much faster.

4. ABs of steel. She always was trying to sit up and see things when she developed her baby muscles. In an attempt to encourage this and help grow her muscles we would have her hold our fingers as she sat up. At first we had to pull her up to look around. As she got older and stronger she would pull up while holding on. At this point she just sits right up by herself. This helped to encourage her to be curious and to build some core body muscles.

5. If your happy and you know it. Around 3 months we really got into using her arms and legs when we sung songs. We would play 'this little piggy', 'patty cakes', & 'if your happy and you know it'. We would either clap her hands or her feet to the beat and sing to her. At first we got the craziest look. As she learned to like it she would get the biggest grin. Another thing that I would do is play a pop or rock song and have her be my little 'drummer'. I'd sit her on my lap facing away from me and take her hands and have her 'play the drums'. She would giggle and giggle.

We still play a few of the games from when she was younger but alot of them we've adapted to either be more physical, vocal, or visual. Also, make sure you're always talking to your baby. No matter where we are I'm having a conversation with her. Telling her about my day, asking her about hers, or reading things to her. The most entertaining is when we are shopping at the grocery. She loves hearing the nutritional facts of foods. Go figure.

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