Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Gender

If you've ever wished, begged or prayed for either a boy or a girl... especially if your next child is your last chance... then I know exactly how you feel.

And this letter very well may be the most important letter you ever read.

My name is Ashley Spencer and after having 3 boys I was desperate for a little girl.

As a mother, you love all of your children. But when you grow up dreaming of being a mom - you always DREAM of being a mom to your preferred gender. I sure did.

Did you dream of watching your boy play with toy trucks in the mud? Dream of watching him grow up in to a sweet, strong young man?

Or did you dream of sharing a precious bond with your daughter as you comb through her shiny hair? I know exactly how you feel. And I, too, felt the dull pain and fear of never having my dream child.

I even felt guilty after having my third child... because I was shaken to my core with depression after hearing "it's a boy."

The dreams I looked forward to all my life were crashing down on me.

Instead, the answers to gender selection fell in to my lap as if by fate.

By complete luck my husband stumbled upon well-established, but little-known medical science that lets you choose your baby's gender with a 94.8% success rate.

It's CRAZY that more people don't know about it. But as you'll read there are people out there who prefer these secrets remain hidden.

My husband's discovery came after being introduced to a "lost seminar." And as you'll read in this important letter, it held the key to gender selection.

Here's just some of the...

Gender Selection Secrets
Exposed In This "Lost Seminar"

  • Why it's possible to get pregnant tonight even if you don't have sex... and haven't had sex in days! (Page 5)
  • The special 24-hour window in your ovulation cycle that makes conceiving a boy highly likely. (Page 22)
  • Why Henry the 8th should have executed HIMSELF instead of his wife when she failed to give birth to a son. (Page 7)
  • The simple truths about pregnancy most people don't know about - and as a result they have no control over their baby's gender! (Pages 5-6)
  • Electric foods that carry a small but natural charge that help male sperm win the race to the egg. (Pages 11-12)
  • and more!

And I don't want to forget, on page 44 I show you where to get ideas for planning the perfect baby shower :)

I was cautiously interested when I discovered these gender selection methods.

I was hopeful when I discovered they were based on well-researched medical science.

And I was eternally grateful when I gave birth to my baby girl. There's no greater joy than realizing your dream has come true.

And I want to share that joy with you. I don't plan to have any more kids, so the only thing I can do is tell the world what I know.

That's why I wrote "Pick The Gender Of Your Baby." It's a step-by-step guide for increasing the odds you'll give birth to your preferred gender.

These quick, easy and painless gender selection techniques were compiled from decades of medical research, and finally give hope to parents everywhere.

Inside you'll discover how to greatly influence your baby's gender regardless of your age...

...even if all your present children share the same gender.

...even if your cycle is irregular...

...and EVEN if fertility is an issue.

In fact, I have medical research to help with fertility as well. As a mother of 4 children who had to work hard to have a baby girl, I know exactly how you feel. And this book is my gift to you.

 To  Continue... please visit : http://www.pickthegenderofyourbaby.com/

Monday, February 20, 2012

Baby World

Maclaren Baby Strollers Are the Safest Products in the Baby World

For expecting mothers out there, it is important to make many decisions as to the most reliable and durable baby products for your little bundle of joy. One of the most important baby item that any expecting mother should always be careful to choose from is the baby stroller.

There are a lot of strollers sold on the market, but if you want to make the right decision for your baby, then trying out one of the Maclaren Baby Strollers should be your first look into this market. This particular stroller maker has been around for more than 40 years, and has been considered one of the best in the stroller business from those who know this business. What is great about Maclaren is that it has remained a strong and untainted company for the past 30 years.

Maclaren Baby Strollers Do Not Experience Factory Defects:

Unlike other baby strollers, the Maclaren Baby Strollers have zero reports of stroller injuries from buyers. In fact, this particular stroller has the best safety record in the market, and if you want to buy a stroller that will put your mind at ease, then this is the brand that you should choose. To stay on top of the business, Maclaren values their customer feedback so that they can develop and make their strollers better than the rest. Simply put, this Maclaren does not stop in creating innovations for their strollers.

The Maclaren Strollers Only Use Best the Materials:

The strollers created by this company are made from durable materials that create strong frames with safe mechanisms. The materials also go under rigorous testing before they are even made into frames and strollers. The company also only works in cooperation with supply companies that will provide quality checks on their products.

Simply put, the company envisions itself as creating only perfect strollers that are risk-free for infants and toddlers. After all, as parents, what is most important is that your children are well taken care of. When it comes to strollers, the Maclaren baby strollers simply provide the highest security that you can provide for your baby and for your peace of mind.

Mary has been writing articles for over 4 years. Please visit her latest website about baby products at baby seat stroller products, with information on Maclaren baby strollers and other baby products that anyone with new babies and toddlers would be interested in

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby Games For 3-6 Month-Olds

As my little one grows up I'm always looking for new ways to keep her development moving. Here is a list of some games you can play from 3 to 6 months of age.

1. A piece of glass separates me from my best friend. around 4 or 5 months she was really looking at things and smiling at things so my wife found out something fun. Find a big mirror that you can stand in front of while holding baby. I would move her close enough until she would catch a glimpse of herself. She would immediately light up and start cooing and giggling. To this day this is our pre-bath routine. As she got older I would change distances to help keep her eyes exercised.

2. Help me name that. An adaptation to the baby eye-spy we played when she was younger was this game. Once she could reach out and touch things I would encourage her to touch things while I named it. Sometimes I think she got it other times she'd look at me and just grin. Again, this is another game we continue to play.

3. I must be butter cause I'm on a roll! Once she was used to being on her belly on the floor I'd get down and play with her. I'd put toys that were just out of her reach and have her try and get them. If she did happen to roll over or get the toy somehow I would get real excited and tell her how good she is and how big she is. As time progressed she loved the excitment I'd give her and she would do it much faster.

4. ABs of steel. She always was trying to sit up and see things when she developed her baby muscles. In an attempt to encourage this and help grow her muscles we would have her hold our fingers as she sat up. At first we had to pull her up to look around. As she got older and stronger she would pull up while holding on. At this point she just sits right up by herself. This helped to encourage her to be curious and to build some core body muscles.

5. If your happy and you know it. Around 3 months we really got into using her arms and legs when we sung songs. We would play 'this little piggy', 'patty cakes', & 'if your happy and you know it'. We would either clap her hands or her feet to the beat and sing to her. At first we got the craziest look. As she learned to like it she would get the biggest grin. Another thing that I would do is play a pop or rock song and have her be my little 'drummer'. I'd sit her on my lap facing away from me and take her hands and have her 'play the drums'. She would giggle and giggle.

We still play a few of the games from when she was younger but alot of them we've adapted to either be more physical, vocal, or visual. Also, make sure you're always talking to your baby. No matter where we are I'm having a conversation with her. Telling her about my day, asking her about hers, or reading things to her. The most entertaining is when we are shopping at the grocery. She loves hearing the nutritional facts of foods. Go figure.

For more articles relating to parenting or for baby product reviews go to: http://babyblogonline.blogspot.com

Newborn Baby Games - How to Play with Your New Infant to Stimulate Development

Playing games with a newborn baby - is that even possible? Don't they just sleep, eat, cry and poop...? (And sleep!)

Well, they do, most of the time. Almost all the time. Newborn babies sleep for around 20 hours per day. But if you grab the opportunity once your newborn infant is awake, you'll be amazed by the interaction that is actually possible.


Something fascinating about newborn babies is that they can imitate. Pick a moment when your baby is alert and content.

Lift him or her up close to your face (since a newborn baby's vision is poor) slowly stick your tongue out. Keep it out for a while and then start all over. If you give your baby enough time, chances are he'll stick his tongue out as well. He might first look away, as if concentrating on the task, then look back at you and start imitating.

Vision Games

A newborn baby can only focus about 8 to 10 inches from his face and many newborn babies are also cross-eyed. Don't worry, in most cases this will pass naturally.

You can help your baby to use his eyes by moving a finger object slowly from side to side in front of his eyes. A black and white patterned object may also be interesting to look at and follow. Newborn babies have a hard time distinguishing other colors. But go slowly, if you move the object too fast, your baby will not be able to follow it.

To practice the combination of seeing and hearing, you can pick or make up a small rhyme or song that you use every time you play this vision game with your baby. Since babies are routine lovers, he may soon recognize the situation and appreciate it even more.

Hearing Games

Your baby is likely to at least recognize mom's voice from the time before being born. If dad and siblings spoke a lot and close to mom's belly, you child might also recognize their voices.

Hearing any of you talk or sing and at the same time look into your eyes is fun for a newborn baby. Within a month or two, he'll start showing his appreciation by smiling back and even start "talking" to you. Talking to your baby will also make him feel safe despite his new, strange surroundings outside the uterus.

Bonding Games

Rock your baby and sing a gentle lullaby. Even take your top off to allow skin contact. Newborn infants have a well developed smell and a sensitive skin, so being close to you, hearing your voice and smell MOM (or dad!), is heaven!

Find more newborn baby milestones and tips here. And have fun with your little one!

© Copyright Paula Dennholt, All Rights Reserved.

At Easybabylife.com you'll find more information about your infant and how to care for him. Maybe you want to give New Mom a great gift? Find this and more about baby sleep, breastfeeding, development, giving birth and basically how to have a great first year with your baby at Easy Baby Life - Your First Year survival Guide.

Baby Games

These days, all parents want their children to be the brightest in town. They spend a lot of money on educational toys and games that are supposed to make their kids extremely clever. It seems to be such a wonderful idea to do so. In contrast, there are other parents who are concerned that their children are growing up too quickly for their age. The world is full of contrasts and we as parents need to decide whether we want our kids to enjoy the childhood phase of their lives, or whether we want them to become super intelligent beings at a very tender age.

Things have been hyped up to such an extent that even baby toys are now being marketed as objects of mind inspiration. Baby toys are being made in bright colors for mind stimulation. There are still other baby toys that come with common phrases recorded in French, German and several other foreign languages. Many parents question the advantage of such toys for babies who have yet to learn and speak in their own basic language. Babies should be allowed to be babies, and given toys that help them be just that. It has been found that the best toys for babies are the ones that roll and rattle and emit sounds when squeezed, because they help them understand how things move and make noises; in addition such toys hold their attention for long periods of time and make them giggle and be happy.

When my daughter was still an infant, I devoted all my efforts on making sure that she enjoyed her childhood. I only got her toys in bright colors, that made nice sounds, were cute and that were cuddly. I found that my selection of her baby toys helped her no end in enjoying her childhood.

One of my better purchases for my daughter was not even a toy; it was a video. She seemed to be captivated when she saw the Baby Einstein videos. The colors and the music held her attention for the duration of the video. I am certain that she was learning and that her brain was being motivated without any harm to her.

You can never make a mistake when you buy baby toys for your infants. The toys may require your baby to lie on their tummies to help brace their muscles; but then this is something that all infants need to do. On the other hand, you may be more interested in teaching your baby different sounds and colors. Irrespective of what your baby's favourite toy is, their minds are being stimulated all the time. It is my considered opinion that we should not waste our time and efforts in making a genius of our infant. Instead, we should always try to bring up happy, healthy and intelligent kids. There is no need to force ourselves and our babies to go beyond the realms of a natural, happy and healthy growth for them.

Gregory Hepburn is an online marketer and entrepreneur who builds and publishes content websites. His website on Baby Games [http://www.educational-toy-and-game.com] has been published. Please visit [http://www.educational-toy-and-game.com] for more details.

Having Fun At A Baby Shower Party With These Baby Games

Some people may be put in charge of running a baby shower and not know what they need to do. One of the top things that they will need to make sure is done is keep everyone together and in a festive mood. One way of doing that is to play baby shower games.

There are many games that someone may set up to play at a baby shower. Before the games start it is nice to have the group introduced to each other and maybe tell some stories of how they met the mother to be. As the games are completed the winners should be awarded some keepsake prizes.

One of the top games that can be played is very simple, guessing the size of the mother to be tummy. This is a game that requires only a few items, a spool of yarn or string and some scissors. Each participant cuts their piece of yarn from the spool at the length they think will fit around the mother to be tummy. The winner of this game is the person that comes closest to the exact tummy size.

Another game that is often played at baby showers would be giving each woman that comes to the shower a necklace with baby safety pins or clothes pins on it. When someone says the word baby, or it can be any other word, they have to give a pin to the first person that catches them saying the word. The person with the most pins at the end of the shower or by a specified time is declared the winner.

Another fun game is to load a container up with some items that are related to a baby, diapers, safety pins, or anything like that. Each guest will examine the container then make a guess on the number of items loaded into it. The participant that comes closest to guessing the amount in the container wins. An added rule can be put in place that if the guess is more than what's in the container then the person with the guess is disqualified.

A game that is popular is the baby bottle game. The object of this game is to put liquid into a baby bottle and see who can suck the liquid from the bottle the fastest. It can be a onetime race with everyone or break the party into groups then have the winners of the groups face each other. The person that sucks the liquid out the fastest is the winner.

Someone can set up quite a few baby shower games to be played. Although some people may get competitive playing the games it is important to keep everyone upbeat and having fun throughout the day.

Baby showers are such a fun event for everyone, but planning one can be quite a challenge for the hostess. Get baby shower games and ideas by visiting our site to help you plan your event. You can also choose from a wide variety of themes to use for your baby shower party such as the popular moon and stars theme.

Baby Games Help Parents Understand Baby Talk

Whether you are expecting your first, second or third child, there is always something new to learn about babies. Many parents these days are joining the new wave of 'digital baby information seekers', and are educating themselves as well as their babies.

As the variety of information available begins to expand, the type of content being developed is including more enhanced imagery and applications; and this is finding its way onto our day to day information devices.

Emergent software applications such as animation TD which is used to create animation tools of 3D characters are increasingly being adopted by game designers to present a much stronger ability to capture detailed gestures and movement of the virtual characters. When used, this software can enhance our viewing experience.

With the inclusion of shading and highlights on the texture of the characters, the finished product can often be as good as a real life. Some sites, for example 'second life games' promise their users an enhanced baby experience with an overall visual feel. A good use of props such as milk bottles and rattles, plus a range of skin colours, gestures and sounds can all be easily manipulated to enhance the experience of a virtual baby.

Gaming is allegedly outstripping the movie business and it's not hard to see why. 70 per cent of Americans across the socio-economic spectrum play some kind of computer or video game; global gaming figures have reached a record high of 217 million. According to Bloomberg the new Xbox Live online video-game service has broken $1 Billion.

In today's market, similar applications and creative techniques are being adopted in the mobile communications industry. And as long as many of us are able to access such information, our digital learning environment will encompass more than the fixed location environment such as home or office, to a more 'on the go' environment.

Just as depicted in real life, online baby games, imitate communications and gestures to help expectant parents understand how their baby will be trying to communicate with them. It is crucial when formulating a strong relationship with a baby to understand what those gestures mean, and current games on the market are now promising a much more fun, interactive and engaging way of learning about these gestures. In addition such baby games could empower parents by providing support and insights into their own relationships with each other.

Baby Clues is the new baby game from charity organisation One Plus One, creators of TheCoupleConnection.net. Baby Clues combines the latest findings from neuroscience with the evidence-based expertise of health practitioners to challenge the current culture of parenting, which largely ignores the social and emotional capabilities of babies. Understanding baby talk can change the way in which parents interact with their newborns. Being able to listen, notice, acknowledge and respond in a nurturing way, is essential to building and maintaining good relationships.

Educational Baby Games and Toys

Educational Baby games and toys are so important, they stimulate your babies brain, creating interest and arousing curiosity for further development of their mind. When your baby is born their eyesight is blurry. In the first two months of their life they can only focus on objects eight to ten inches in front of him, so the first colours your baby sees are black, white and red. Lets make their environment exciting.

Education Baby games and toys should be bright. The brighter the better! Bright colours, moving objects, classical music and textured toys will all help to stimulate your baby, as he begins to discover his whole new world.

Baby educational games and toys will help your baby to learn about the world in a fun and safe way, they will have more fun with a toy if it's stimulating to the sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell than they would if it was just cute or pretty.

As your baby grows, you will want educational toys that help your child learn eye-hand coordination and develop their large and small motor-control skills, you will also need educational baby games and toys that stimulate social and language development, imagination, and creativity.

The first senses babies use to learn, are sight and sound. When your baby is born their favourite sight is you, and they love to hear your voice. Now you can sing to your hearts content, they will love it.

So what else do baby need?

Not a lot, so don't go over the top with toys, they don't need it and neither does your bank account. It won't be long before they will want every toy and game there is, so be sensible while you can.

Interaction is your great fun learning game, seeing you, listening to you, giggling and laughing at you. But you cannot be your child's only entertainment system, you will need some time out!

So lets look at some other toys and games that your baby will love.

Up to eight weeks old your babies favourite sight and sounds are human faces and voices, they will also enjoy watching brightly coloured mobiles, wind-chimes and cot-toys, if clearly in view, they will focus best on hand-held toys that are 8 inches from their face and will respond to soft music and being rocked gently.

At twelve weeks your baby can focus for longer on mobiles and cot-toys, they will also be able to see them at a greater distance. He will show a preference for bright colours and look at them for longer, but he will still have more interest in human faces and large pictures of faces, he will also enjoy wrist rattles, musical toys and squeaky toys.

From three to six months he will start to grasp a toy that is placed in his hand, and will begin to reach for toys. Your babies favourite early toys will be lightweight rattles and colourful teething rings, he will have learned to use both hands and will start to play with foam bricks, soft balls, cuddly soft toys or grip-toys with an internal squeak.

He will love floor activities up to the age of nine months, large bright activity quilts are a good idea, as is a activity centres. He will also love colourful toys with interesting designs and textures to study during quiet play, and of course, noisy toys for rattling and banging will have them enjoying and laughing.

Their first books should be brightly illustrated and made from "Chew Proof" card or Textured Fabrics, push and pull along toys will encourage walking and be a great aid for balancing.

Learning to walk is a fabulous time for your baby, but can be testing on you, as they will be everywhere, and while trying out their newfound skill, there will be bumps, cries and tears, and some of those will be yours.

The average ages for walking is between nine and thirteen months, but remember, this is only guideline so don't be concerned if they're not quite on the move yet.

The timing is determined by your baby's muscle strength, his ability to balance and most importantly, his personality, his motivation and confidence. The weight of your baby may also play a part; a heavier baby will take longer to get up on their feet.

Give plenty of praise when he starts walking, they need encouragement just like we do, but don't try to rush him along if he's not quite ready, if he is pushed to quickly he may go back to crawling until he feels ready to give it another go.

Walking Aids or 'Walkers' come in many shapes and sizes, from simple baby learning toys such as Building Block Trolleys to Walkers that develop from simple aids to ride on toys, as you toddler's skills develop.

Baby ride on toys, are great for developing and strengthening the muscles in his legs and arms, the best one of all, has to be The Rocking Horse. This is excellent for learning to keep their balance and start their pretend play, there are others such as sea-saw and trikes, but you can't beat the classics.

This form of play benefits all toddlers. It improves mood, appetite and quality of sleep and brings better general health, it also develops their muscles, increases their strength and agility, and improves their co-ordination,

Just a quick note about the First Pair of Shoes

While your baby is still crawling, shoes are largely there for decoration, although it's important that they are not too small.

When children start to walk, they often curl their toes, so it's better for children to go barefoot or wear socks for as long as possible. The bones in a child's feet are very soft and can easily be damage, which can lead to posture problems.

Wait until your child is walking unaided, and ready to walk outside, before buying his first pair of shoes and please get his feet measured by someone who's properly qualified.

But it's not just baby games that your baby will need, he'll also enjoy physical contact and will enjoy being massaged, and this will help relax your baby, keep his joints flexible and encourage muscle coordination.

Massage will also give you confidence in handling your baby and help you get to know him.

Ask your doctor about massaging your baby, it is important to get the right information before you start.

Food is a brilliant way for children to learn it stimulates your baby's sense of taste and smell by allowing him a wide variety of tastes and textures, it is important to allow your baby to experiment and see how your baby reacts to different foods and varying taste.

Eating food with his hands is natural and beneficial, and should be encourage.

So many children come to fear food by having to eat everything on the plate, others become fussy eaters through not being taught to experiment with food.

Most importantly remember that you are your baby's super hero; he looks up to you for the best start in life and what you do and how you react in his environment, will be reflected in him, he will follow in your footsteps.

You can make a difference

Your baby will grow more now, in the first year of his or her little life than at any other time, both physically and mentally.

Education Games For Kids
Education Games For Kids, is packed full of the Best Educational Games and Toys for kids of all ages. Whatever your child's age or interests, you will find lots of information to create curiosity and a desire to learn with the Best Educational Games and Toys Around.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Online Baby Stores - Clothing Tips

Are you looking for baby apparel that's top quality but can be bought at a reasonable price? Well, you are in luck as stores are here to serve your needs. They focus on specific brands and have numerous sizes available to fit your infant. Established brands as well as those still carving their names in the infant ware market can be found at online baby stores just as in any other local outlet or boutique. This provides you the convenience of buying from home and selecting which ever clothing your infant may like without the hassle of scouring in crowded stores and falling in line to pay at the cashier.

Several advantages could be derived from shopping at stores. You will find out that a variety of websites have a wide assortment of brands, styles and sizes while others specialize. Pricey brands are offered by some stores while others select to showcase discount brands which are inexpensive and can be bought even when you are on a tight budget.

Here are some tips when shopping for clothes at online baby stores:

1. Go for quality not the name.

Many online baby stores provide a wide assortment of clothes you could select from. Ensure that you will buy quality products instead of going for the branded items. You could find out about the quality of an item by reading product reviews by customers who had their kid use the item. Product reviews by consumers are more sincere compared to that of marketers who are usually after sales rather than showing what the product really is as a whole.

2. Know your kid's size.

Finding the proper size for your kid is often easier on-line because you'll be able to select clothing based on the size needed instead of going through kids's clothes at a shop nearby. Usually, when customers attend local boutiques they may not find the clothes of the correct size. This will never happen to you when shopping at online baby stores. stores ensure that your child gets the correct size he or she needs.

3. Go for bargains.

Season's closeout time is the best time to visit online baby stores. They typically provide amazing deals to close out every season. For instance, summer closeout could begin by August and winter by February or March. Provided that online baby stores usually showcase clothing lines by season, you would land a great deal by shopping as they closeout because they will be putting bargain prices for sure.

Apply these 3 simple tips and you will definitely have a great time shopping for your kid's wants at online baby stores. Enjoy! Are you looking for the best online baby stores [http://www.OzBabyExpress.com.au] in Australia? Planning to buy quality baby chairs [http://www.OzBabyExpress.com.au]? Here is an exclusive 24/7 online baby store that sells baby products at reasonable prices. Visit OzBabyExpress.com.au to know more.

Shopping Tips For Baby Store Visits

Attention expecting moms! You're about to find out the best way to shop for the enormous amount of baby furniture, baby gear, clothes and accessories you're going to need once your adorable angel arrives. You might have friends who have recommended certain local baby stores and products, but let's face it, when you're 8 - 9 months pregnant, the thought of going from store to store to find just the right things for your baby seems like quite a daunting task...and it is! There's an easier way. I'm referring to online shopping.

How to Pick the Best Online Baby Store

There are some truly amazing baby stores online that have everything you need for your baby in one spot, there for the picking, with just the click of a mouse. When searching for an online baby store it's recommended to pick a store that offers well known brands like Graco, DaVinci, Argington, Gerber, Safety 1st, Serta and any others that you recognize. You might also want to search for the terms organic or hypoallergenic if you're into a "green" nursery decor.

Next, check to see if the baby stores on your short list have every type of item you'll need such as: baby furniture, baby gear, baby clothes, baby toys, baby safety and health products and nursery accessories because it will definitely save you time if you get everything you need from one place. Then, if shopping on a budget, you might want to check for low shipping costs or special deals available in the baby store's clearance section.

Once you've narrowed down your list of baby stores, then it's time to pick a winner. If your top two stores meet all the previous requirements then you might consider checking their BBB grades and spending a few minutes on each site to see how easy their online store is to navigate. Also make sure they offer a few ways to contact Customer Service, such as email, phone or live chat, if you have questions. Once you've made your choice, then it's time to go shopping!

Creating your Baby Store Shopping List

Below are some suggestions of items you should put on your shopping list before surfing the net. You might even want to add some of these to your baby shower gift suggestions, so you're sure to have everything you need when you bring your baby home for the first time.

1. Baby Crib
2. Changing Table
3. Dresser
4. Glider or Rocker
5. Diaper Stacker
6. Mobile
7. Bouncer
8. Car Seat
9. Stroller
10. Baby Clothes
11. Diaper Bag
12. Diapers and Wipes
13. Baby Bathtub
14. Bibs and Bottles
15. Crib Bedding
16. Pack N Play
17. Baby socks and hats
18. Baby nightgown or sleepsack
19. Baby Toys
20. Baby ointments
21. Diaper Pail
22. Safety products, monitor, safety gates
23. High Chair

"Few!" Now that's a long list, but believe it or not you will need all of those things and then some! Babies are small, but their needs are huge, so make sure to be ready by getting all the necessities.

It's Time to Shop

When you're ready to shop, get online, head to your favorite baby store and start with baby furniture and work your way down. Looking for nursery sets is the easiest way to get a furniture combo that offers everything needed in the nursery. You might also want to check out the Best Sellers list to see what other parents are buying. This could help you narrow down your options. As for baby gear, you might want to go with a popular brand like Graco or any other well know company. Visit the brand page for your chosen Manufacturer and select items from their product list such as: stroller, car seat, pack n play, high chair, swing, activity center, diaper pail and even baby safety items like monitors.

Check Out

Once you've selected all of your items and have checked out, make sure you look at the shipping time, so you know when to expect your items to arrive. It's always smart to order baby furniture and baby gear in advance, so you're completely prepared for that special day. The best part about shopping at online baby stores is that it will take you around the same time to shop and buy all your baby items as it did to read this article!

Kim Proulx, a Certified Parent Coach, believes that parenting should be fun from the start, so she's adamant about helping people find the best baby stores online that have everything that they and their baby will need, so that baby and parents will have a more stress-free life.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Baby Toys- 5 Tips to Choose the Best

The importance of Baby Toys is enormous in a baby's life.

Besides getting entertained, babies also learn a lot while playing with his toys. Baby Toys can make your child laugh with joy, it can stop your baby from crying, and it can make your baby busy while without your special attention, and it can also educate him without a failure. However, how to choose a most suitable toys for your beloved baby?

1. Safety is the key to healthy baby toys
The prime factor to choose a healthy Baby Toys for your child is safety. Please check below:
- Are the toys made with toxic plastic or fabric?
- Are there any quality guarantee?
- Are there loose parts from the toys that could cause a choking hazard?
- Could the toys fit inside a toilet paper roll, if yes, it might choke a baby.
- Could little fingers get pinched?
- Is your child too large in physical body to safely play with the toys or equipments?

2. Choose the Baby Toys according to Baby's interest
It is important to choose baby toys according to your baby's interest. In usual cases, for kids under 18 months like mobiles, soft books, noisemakers, busy boxes, activity tables, stacking toys and push-and-pull toys. However, it is important for you to observe your baby's preference, and notice what interests your child. Does he like to pretend to drive a vehicle? Does she like to build with blocks? Does he enjoy stories about the farm? Being aware of your baby's interests and making choices based on those interests shows that you respect your child's feelings and value her ideas.

3. Choose the Baby Toys according to Baby's age development
It is also essential to choose baby toys according to your baby's age development, and buy the toys with reference to the instruction labels on it. Assuming that your baby is at the stage of development that is usual for his age, the information on instruction label gives you a basis to evaluate the toys. Read the instruction label on the toys packing box with the recommended ages. However, you are the one who knows the most about your baby. You are the only one to consider whether the toys are appropriate or not. For an instant, your child may be behind most three-year-olds in physical development, but may be well ahead in language development. Consider these differences as you make your choices for toys.

4. Choose Baby Toys that are educational
In fact, within the first four years of life, children develop a full 50% of their adult intelligence! That's how fast their brains are growing. Besides having fun, baby toys encourage the creativity, coordination, emotional and social resilience. So it is important to choose toys with educational purposes. These toys will help to develop the self-confidence in your baby.

Toys that foster the imagination are great for both boys and girls, toys like blocks or stacking cups can be very educational. They are designed to stimulate your baby's brain and sense of coordination as well as help with item recognition. There are blocks with animals, abstract shapes, cars and instruments inside. Indeed, toys are one of the best friends that a baby may ever have.

5. Choose Baby Toys that help your baby learn about the real world
Besides, educational purposes, some baby toys can help your baby learning about real-life skills. It can be accomplished through providing toys that mirror real life. For example, Baby Einstein Video and DVDs such as Baby Da Vinci: From Head to Toe, Baby Einstein Neighborhood Animals, Baby McDonald A Day on the Farm, Baby Neptune Discovering Water, Discovering Shapes, Baby Shakespeare - World of Poetry, Baby Mozart - Music Festival. They are the ideal platforms for your baby to learn about the real world, about the animals in the world and the water world, get knowledge about our body from head to toe, get in touch with the beautiful poems from Shakespeare and wonderful music from Mozart. For these kinds of baby toys, don't worry about whether a toy is for a boy or a girl. Consider instead what the baby will be learning using the toys.

1 Baby Einstein Toys Company is a trading company in respects of Baby Einstein, Baby Toys and Baby Essentials.

To know more about choosing ideal Baby Toys, please don't hesitate to visit http://www.1BabyEinsteinToys.com

For more information or enquiries, please contact
Grace Siu
1 Baby Einstein Toys
Email: enquiry@1BabyEinsteinToys.com and

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tender Baby Care

Tender baby care is an important part in family lifestyles.

Parents should try to assess their child, if their child is shy? If the child is uncomfortable in a large group of children? Does the child need to practice school habits such as taking turns, sitting and listening?

If you have problems with tender baby care, you can get information about tender baby care from this site.

Everyone can get all information about child care from this site. Parents can get information from it that How to take care of the children and infants?

You might be wondering how to do a tender baby care? As parents, the focus of your pregnancy is just the delivery and labor until the birth of your child. You may be working on the nursery or having a baby shower. But the reason for all of this, is just the preparation of the big moment for the coming of the newborn in the world. If we notice it's not rare for parent's to get home from the hospital with the baby and panic for everything. In the following sections of articles, we will cover the basic training on how to take care of baby.

Tender Baby Care- Tip #1

Caring for the baby begins from the day he/she was born. It's the time to know what to expect from your baby and what your baby wants from you. We will cover the importance or the value of responsibilities of the new parents in caring a new baby. It also includes the supply you give to your baby and the basic requirements of the baby.

Do you know provide tender baby care when he/she needs a diaper change? Handling and diapering your baby is the most basic task of the new parent. In handling the baby we will focus on the anxieties and fears of the parent in picking up and holding the baby. In diapering or dressing your baby we will cover the simple rules on how to change the diapers and also the advantage and disadvantage of both the disposable and cloth diapers.

We will also cover the sleeping issues when it comes to newborns. It takes a lot of commitment in taking tender care of baby, it includes the sleeping positions of the baby, how long they sleep and how often they sleep. We will also discuss on the articles about helping our babies to stop from crying and how to comfort them. It also includes some of the causes of crying. It includes like hunger, tiredness, pains or some common illness of the baby. The focus of this articles are ways on how to comfort the crying babies.

We will also be discussing in our article about "Tender Baby Care" the bath time of the baby. It includes, how to bath the baby and we give some tips on what to use and what to do for your baby during bath time. In this section, we will also be giving you ideas about burping babies, teething of babies, food of babies, equipments use for feeding the babies and many more topics about a healthy caring of your baby.

Carefreebaby.com [http://www.carefreebaby.com] gives you tips when it comes to baby care, conception, pregnancy, maternity, birth, baby names, parenting, etc. we walks you from your pregnancy through your baby development stages. Other resources include: most popular and unique baby name, baby care advices and a friendly parenting community.

More about Tender Baby Care [http://carefreebaby.com/html/tender-baby-care.html]

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Toys To Stimulate Your Baby

We all want the best for our babies.

We give them the love they crave, warm their bellies, and rock them to sleep every night. One important factor in becoming a new parent of a baby is providing them with the tools they need to learn, grow, and conquer the world. Baby toys are a very important investment for all parents to make. But what are the right baby toys to purchase for your baby?

Baby Toys to Stimulate Hand-Eye Coordination

Hand-Eye coordination is the ability to see and grab objects. At the age of four months your baby's hand-eye coordination is beginning to develop. Your baby will grab at objects, and try to pick them up. Don't worry, he will master this quickly. Around five to six months your baby will learn how to reach for a baby toy, perhaps a baby block, grasp it, and hold onto it. Around seven months, your baby will learn how to drop that toy when he is done playing with it.

Developing hand-eye coordination is a crucial tool for all babies to master, and as soon as possible. We use hand-eye coordination in every day tasks such as bringing a fork to our mouths, brushing our teeth and hair. Think about it. Mastering hand-eye coordination can help a person to be able to do more complex tasks like typing quickly on a computer, playing the piano, painting a masterpiece, even sewing a button on a dress. You could be the proud parent of a modern day Mozart!

When trying to help your baby, the best thing you can do is hold a baby toy within reach from him. Then wait for him to grab it. You do not want to show him how it works. To him, that's all the fun of it! Some baby toys that help with developing hand-eye coordination are:

  • Blocks - Soft Blocks for ages 4 - 7 months and more sturdy blocks for babies older than 12 Months.
  • Stacking Toys will teach your baby to not only maneuver the object, but to also fit them together.
  • Household items such as plastic lids, plastic bottles.

Stimulate Your Baby's Senses with Textured Baby Toys
Have you felt the pull of your hair when your baby is about four months old? We've all felt it, and our reaction is first pain, then joy. A lot of us, just remove the baby's white knuckle grip, and say "No", but is this really the response we should be giving? This is your baby saying, "I need my sense of touch stimulated!" Maybe instead of just saying "No", give your baby a toy that will stimulate his sense of touch, teaching him that many different things have different textures, shapes, and colors.

There are many baby toys that will do just this. There are toys that have different textures such as bumps, and curves; Baby toys that have crinkly material, and other fabrics. There also toys that have all this and lights and music to stimulate your baby's sense of hearing.

Some toys that you might want to consider are:

  • Crawl Mats and Play Nests - Baby crawl mats comes in several styles. One toy manufacturer, Galt, has created an infant play nest that stimulates touch, vision and hearing. The fabric covers inflatable ring creating a self contained safe play environment for babies and toddlers.
  • Activity Cube - A big soft colorful block with fun activities for baby to explore. Features may include mirrors, crinkle material, wool, sounds and lights and more.
  • Music makers - These baby toys allow baby to press different buttons and see what new sound is made.

Stimulate Your Baby's Mind and Emotions with Music
Have you ever heard a song that, no matter what mood you were in would cheer you up immediately? Or maybe one that made you sleepy? Well, babies feel all these emotions from music too. Music is a wonderful way to introduce your baby to their own sense of emotions, feelings, and the wonderful world of creativity and imagination! Several baby music CD's are available to invoke various feelings in your baby. Some better choices for parents to consider include the Brainy Baby® music collection.

  • Peaceful Baby(TM) by Brainy Baby® - Calming, restful music that progressively lulls your child into a deep and refreshing sleep.
  • Cheerful Baby(TM) - Cheerful Baby's compositions, melodies, rhythms and tonal ranges encourage a happy mood!
  • Playful Baby(TM) - Vibrant, invigorating music that encourages your child to actively experience the richness of their world.
  • Sleepy Baby(TM) - Calming, restful music that progressively lulls your child into a deep and refreshing sleep.

So What Do You Look For?
When you go toy shopping for your baby, you will want to focus on toys that will stimulate your baby's mind, senses, curiosity and imagination. For a baby up to one year old, keep it simple with large, soft baby blocks, stacking toys, play mats or play nests, activity cubes. As a bonus during playtime, throw a CD in the CD player and watch your baby touch, explore, and learn about his new found abilities!

© Elizabeth Geiger

You can find all the toys mentioned in this article at Baby Corner Store, as well several other toys for toddlers, and older children. Stop by, and see what you can find at [http://shop.thebabycorner.com]

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Choosing the Perfect Baby Name

Choosing a baby name can be one of the most fun and challenging aspects of having a new baby.

Your baby's name will be an introduction to the type of person he or she is - for example, is your baby girl a 'Lilly', or is she a 'Rose'? In your baby boy a 'George' or a 'William'? Should your baby's name mean 'strength' or 'desire', or is the name's meaning not important?

Parents, grandparents, friends, siblings, and family will be sharing their advice and ideas in helping you find a name for your child. Chances are you will spend hours trying to pin down that perfect baby name and you'll change your mind more than once along the way. But eventually, you will find a few names that you like best.

Once you find a few different names, you can ask friends and family which name they like best. You can also compare your list to the top 100 baby names by decade or the most popular names of a specific year - maybe you want a popular baby name or maybe you prefer a unique name. Eventually, you will find the perfect baby name, and it will instill you with a sense of pride and achievement, both for you and eventually for your child.

Selecting a popular name for your baby

Today's favorite names may or may not be around tomorrow. While some names have proven the test of time, others have come and gone like leg warmers. There is an easy way to determine if a name has staying power, simply review the top 100 names by year using this site. We list the top 100 baby names for the past 125 years, by year. While choosing a very popular name today can be fun, it may mean your son or daughter will be one of many in their classes growing up. This isn't necessarily bad, but something to consider when selecting that perfect baby name.

Selecting a baby name with the perfect meaning

A great method in finding a perfect baby name is to understand the name meaning. You can find the perfect baby name meaning using one of two methods:
1) you can look up the meanings of your favorite names, and/or
2) you can take the BabyNamesUSA test. The tests helps you find the perfect baby name by choosing words that you believe are important or are words you want your future baby to possess - like loving, or gentle, or intelligent.

The test will allow you to choose meanings that are significant and/or important to you - whether it's a characteristic you find admirable, or one in which you want your future baby to possess to become successful in life.

Searching for a baby name using the origin/ethnicity/religion of the name

One of the most common methods for selecting a baby name is using the origin and/or ethnicity of the baby name. This will give the baby an immediate source of identity and an understanding of the culture and origin of the baby's family heritage. In some religions, like Judaism, it is common to name a baby after a deceased family member, to honor loved ones who've passed. In many cases these names were from a different generation (see top 100 baby names by year, above) and may be 'out of style'. If this is the case, middle names are the perfect solution.

Choose a baby name for each sex - so whatever the baby is, you are ready.

Once you get the wonderful news that a new baby is coming, it will be a while until you can determine the baby's sex - IF you are considering finding out at all (food for thought - there is no better surprise, and nothing more worth waiting for). Having a boy's name and girl's name is a great start.

Naming the baby after the parent - either a single name, or the entire name

In order for your baby boy to become a Jr. (junior), or the 'II' (the second), the entire name should be the same as the father's. The father is the Sr. (senior), the son becomes the Jr. For example, John William Smith names his son John William Smith, the father is the Sr. /I, the son is the Jr. /II. If the son is the third generation to receive the name, the baby boy typically becomes the III (third). Be sure you want to name your baby boy, or baby girl, the same as a parent - it can lead to confusion growing up. If you know you want to name the baby after a parent, selecting a unique middle name may be the perfect solution.

Your child will have to live with this name for a lifetime.

The name you choose for your baby (and future child/adult) should be worn happily. Will family, friends and one day, employers 'take notice' for the wrong reasons? Remember, kids can be cruel - don't make life more challenging than it needs to be.

Choose a baby name that you are proud of, and makes you smile.

Naming your baby after family and friends that have a special place in your heart is a great place to start. Are their special attributes you want your baby to carry - choosing a name that means something special is also a great idea.

Make sure the full name (first, middle and last) sounds good together.

Say the baby's name aloud - is it easy or difficult to say the name? Choose a name that flows well together. Stay away from Jim Shoe (gym shoe) or names that when pieced together can have an alternate meaning.

Write the full baby name down - as well as the initials of all names.

If your baby name's initials make up another word - be sure you are comfortable with what results. For example James Earl Thompson (JET) may be acceptable, but think twice about names like Daniel Irving Petty (DIP).

Spell it!! When writing the name down, was it difficult to spell and/or say? If you had problems, you may want to reconsider the name.

Nicknames are inevitable.

When your child goes to school, joins a sports team or club, chances are a nickname may be close behind. Some nicknames can be endearing, but others may not be what you had in mind when naming your baby. Many times, Alan Jackson results in AJ - be sure this is acceptable, as many times, it is ultimately out of the parents control.

Naming your baby after a sports figure, movie star, or political hero

Be sure you want to go this route, prior to naming your baby. While the name may be beautiful - it could become overly popular. Or, if the person falls out of favor, it may result in giving the name a negative stigma.

Naming multiple babies

If your family is going to increase by more than one baby, there a few things to consider. First, naming babies with the same first initial may be confusing - for you, the babies and future teachers. You may want to consider choosing different initials - giving each child a unique name. Second, choosing different initials may make things easier when accepting gifts containing your babies' initials. If each baby's name contains the same letters - it will be difficult in determining which gifts belong to which baby. This will only get more challenging.

Religious & Traditional considerations

Some families have a tradition in passing down names from generation to generation. Make sure you check with both parents' families first. Also, some religions don't allow babies to be named after living family members. Be sure to check your religious beliefs as well.

Select multiple names for your baby.

Chances are, you and your partner, your family, and others will all have a different name in mind. While the decision ultimately comes down to the parent(s), keep your mind open to suggestions. Not only will this help in selecting the best name for your baby, but it will make your life easier along the way.

What if there is a pet with the same name we wanted to name our baby.

Unless the name is Fido or Spot - we wouldn't worry much about it. We had a dog name Jordan (after Michael Jordan), and I've met many other people named Jordan. It is inevitable that someone somewhere named a dog, cat, fish or rabbit the same name you are considering for your baby. If you love the name - don't look back.

I have a friend/family member who is considering the name I wanted for my baby.

There are a few things you can do. If the person is going to move forward with the name, you may need to choose a new one (or try talking with them). Or you can find the meaning of the name, and see if a different name with the same meaning is appealing to you.

For you parents that have yet to choose a name for your baby - you should learn from this lesson. You may want to keep you favorite names secret - or only share with people that 1) aren't going to have kids anytime soon or 2) you can definitely trust. Well-liked and/or unique names can become very popular, very quickly.

I love the name - but others do not.

Two points on this.

1. If the opinions of these people mean something to you, it is up to you and your partner whether or not you let other people's opinions change your mind. If their points are valid - it may be worth listening to the person. See 'Selecting a Name'

2. You will always be able to find someone that isn't crazy about the name you've chosen for your baby. If you are happy with your choice - then tune the person out. If that doesn't work, tell them thanks for sharing their opinion with you, and name your baby what you wanted to anyway.

I like one baby name - my partner likes a different name.

There are several things you can do to compromise.

1. One of you pick the first name, the other can select the middle name - or a nick-name for the baby.

2. Each of you can select a few names you each like, and see if one of those baby names makes you both happy.

3. If you are planning on having multiple children, you can take turns selecting the baby's name. You can pick the name for the first child, and your partner can pick the name of the next baby. Be aware - if you decide to do it this way, one of you may not be happy when it comes to the next baby's name.

4. Dart board - Put the different baby names on a dart board (or something similar), and throw away! If that doesn't work, try the 'flip-a-coin' method.

My partner wants to name the baby after a family member - but I really don't care for the name (or the family member).

Honesty is typically the best policy in most cases. If you are not thrilled with the name your partner has chosen for the baby, see article 'I like one baby name - my partner likes a different name'. There are ideas here that will help.

One suggestion: It would probably be best if you didn't tell your partner that "You don't like the name they have chosen". It will be easier if you just say, let's consider that name, and come up with some alternatives as well. Or, if your partner is insistent on that particular name, you may want to use it as the baby's middle name.

Scott Zak is a publisher of http://www.babynamesusa.com and http://thetop100babynames.com

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Newborn Information - News You Can Use

Newborn babies do not come with a set of instructions.

That is left up to you, the parent, to figure out during your new on-the-job training, 24/7 work week. And, newborns are completely dependent on you to figure it all out in that little sleep-deprived head of yours. It can be, at times, exhausting and relentless. However, in the end, it truly is the beginning of the most rewarding journey you will be fortunate to travel in life.

Taking those first steps out the front door of the hospital, it really hits you that your life will never be the same whether this is your first newborn or fourth newborn. Your challenge will be to continue your life as you know it while providing round the clock care to your baby. It is very easy during this time to forget your needs and neglect to maintain basic hygiene as days seem to run together and you lose track of time. You must remember that, if you want to provide the best care for your newborn, you MUST take care of yourself first. Do not, I repeat do not avoid eating meals, showering, and resting. If you are fortunate enough to have some help from family and friends, accept it. If not, just take it one day at a time and, although it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, each day WILL get a little easier.

I think the most difficult adjustment was learning to function while extremely sleep deprived. All 3 of my sons did not sleep through the night until 1 to 2 years of age and my daughter did not sleep through the night until around 9 months old. However, my daughter was the easiest to get to sleep and she slept the best because she sucked her thumb and could quiet herself very easily. The boys all had colic and one had reflux so the only way to get them to sleep was rocking in my arms, in their car seat on top of the dryer, or in the car while taking late night rides through the neighborhood. It took every ounce of patience I could muster to make it through each day, but again, you have to take things in small steps one day at a time. If it ever seems too overwhelming, be sure to ask for some help. There are no superhero awards given out for the most stressed out moms or dads.

I have compiled a list of websites at  http://makemybabysmarter.com  with valuable newborn information that can help you find answers to so many common questions that arise when trying to care for a newborn baby. Whether you are a first time parent or you are an old pro, it is always helpful to have information on hand about basic newborn care, newborn health, newborn safety, and newborn growth and development. These resources will help you understand your newborns world a little better. The deeper the understanding you have, the better the care you can provide.

Lisa Russolillo is a mother of 4 amazing children (ages 10, 8, 6, and 2) and an in-home child care provider. If you would like more information about children, parenting, and child care, please visit  http://makemybabysmarter.com  to find many great resources. Child care providers can also list their child care businesses for free.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Care Tips For You And For Baby

What baby care tips are essential for you and your newborn?

The mother of a baby is the busiest person on earth, and these baby care tips are designed to put a little order and routine back into your day to day routine. In no time at all, these baby care tips will become second nature for you and your baby helping you to get back to a somewhat 'normal' life.
Breastfeeding Baby Care
There is, has and always will be a lot of controversy on breastfeeding depending on where you live in the world. In some countries it's the norm and most people would not bat an eyelid if they saw a mother sit down in a restaurant and start to breastfeed her baby. In other countries such as the UK and the US, surprisingly and quite sadly, breastfeeding is frowned upon by many. I personally breastfed both my children and though I made a point of being discreet, I valued my right to feed my child where, when and how I chose to.
However, I also appreciated the fact that I was lucky to be able to breastfeed as I know many mothers want to but can't for whatever reason. Even those that choose not to breast feed should not be maligned. The majority of us live in a society where we have a freedom of choice and whatever our feelings or opinions on a matter, we should allow everyone the right to choose what is best for them and their baby.
That said it is common knowledge that there are huge health benefits to breastfeeding for both mom and baby so that's why this is key to baby care. Baby's first drink of breast milk is colostrum which is full of antibodies which help babies immune system and is full of fat and protein to help baby put on weight in their first few days. Breastfeeding also helps mom's uterus to contract more quickly. A weird sensation when it happens but utterly amazing when you think about it.
Then consider the other positives of breastfeeding to baby care. Milk is on tap, ready to go at the right temperature whatever the time of day and if baby emptied one 'bottle' or boob, there was another ready and waiting to go. I did co-sleeping with my second baby as I was concerned about waking the house up in the middle of the night for feeds which worked out well for all as most times throughout the night, she would latch on herself and feed without me being barely aware. Baby care doesn't really get any easier than that.
I did express so that my husband could also be involved and there were times that he did the night feeds with both children so that I could get a complete nights rest.
Bottle Feeding Baby Care
If you are bottle-feeding your baby then make sure that the bottles are well sterilized and clean. There are many makes of bottle sterilizers that are available. There are some that you can put in the microwave and some that will continually sterilize throughout the day so that you always have clean bottles and teats available to go when you need them.
Also consider your formula well. Check the ingredients and look for those that have the friendly bacteria for the gut. Make sure that you buy the formula appropriate for your baby's age. To rich and it may cause constipation, too thin and lacking in vitamins etc, and your baby may not gain weight as they should.
Baby Sleeping Baby Care
With your first child, you will have probably read numerous books about how to put your baby to bed and have bought a moses basket, then a cot or cot bed. Come your subsequent children, you then realise though nice to have, the most important thing is whether your baby is comfortable, safe and warm or cool enough. My first child went into his own cot bed when he was 3 weeks old as we couldn't stand anymore of his warthog snoring. He was also in a baby sleeping bag. Our daughter slept with me in our bed until she slept through most of the night before moving to her own bed. Especially as I was breast feeding both, I made sure that I didn't drink a lot (the odd glass of wine at a weekend is fine), I don't do drugs, they weren't too hot or cold and the room was well ventilated. Use your common sense here regarding baby care and use and do what's best for you.
Clothing Baby Care
Summer clothes should be light cotton ones. When baby is taken out, make sure that his head does not get the direct sun. Make the most of parasols or stroller sun covers. The covers in particular also help against wasps. An important baby care tip to remember for all - sun cream is essential even if your baby is dark skinned. My children are mixed race and even with factor 50, they still tan.
In winter, there may be sweaters, trousers and other woollens. Just bear in mind that if they are in nappies or diapers still, you need quick and easy access to change them especially when you are out and about. Some changing facilities are tiny or cramped and you don't really want to spend more time there than you should. Remember a change of clothes too. My son was the worst but they both had explosive poos the force of which sent their poo right up their backs and it was far easier to take the whole lot off than to try and clean around it!
Changing Baby Care
Changing of nappies or diapers whether disposable or not should take place regularly. Sometimes babies will let you know in their own particular way but it's best to get into the habit of checking their bottoms at least every 3 hours. That way you'll soon get to know baby's toilet habits and can adjust it accordingly.
Bathing Baby Care
I hope that I don't sound too patronising but the best advice here is common sense. Make sure that you have everything that you need BEFORE you start bathing. Have baby's towel ready on his changing mat, his nappy and night clothes all in place before you start.
Please ensure that the bath water is not too hot and not too cold - 9of or 32c is ideal. It should only be a couple of inches deep if it is in a family bath. At this age baby doesn't need bubble bath, just gentle no-tears formula soap should suffice.
Ensure that you support baby's head safely. Once washed and dried, massage a little moisturizing cream into baby's skin and get him dressed for bed.
Immunisation Baby Care
The baby should be immunized against Small Pox & Measles with BCG within 3 months of its age. The first DPT (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Psertussis, Polio, HIB, Meningitis C) is due within the first 2 months followed by the 2nd and the 3rd one at one month intervals. The MMR vaccination against Measles, Mumps and Rubella should be done within 1 years of age. The boosters should be taken after the baby is 4 years old.
Training and Education Baby Care
Babies learn by watching and listening. Yes I babble baby talk to my two but I also talked sensibly to them like an adult. When getting them dressed I would put their left arm in its sleeve and say to them, 'let's put your left arm in your sleeve'. By 18 months both children knew their right from their left, could say things like open door, shut door, roof, bus, sky drink, biscuit etc because I constantly read or pointed things like this out to them. Learning can and at this age, should be fun.
The most important baby care tip of all
The parents should find enough time to spend quality with the baby but also together and by themselves. Find time for baby time, couple time and me time!
Erin Costello was an industry executive but is now a mother of two.
She researches and writes from personal experience as well as on topics and issues that affect women such as breast, ovarian and cervical cancer, pregnancy and baby care, women's health and beauty, relationships amongst others.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Vision Of Babies

More longing for days gone by.
When many of us moms (and dads, I suppose) first became conscious of wanting to have children and become parents, we often had very concrete images in our minds.  We still return to those images even as the years pass.
For some, these images are focused on playing a game of catch or kicking a soccer ball around in the backyard. For others, it’s about the inviolable bonds of unconditional love that flow from parent to child and from child to parent. Some look forward to guiding their children through new experiences, including travel to enriching and/or exciting places. For many of us, it’s about sharing the best aspects of our own childhood (places we loved to visit, books that changed our lives, etc.) and sheltering our kids from the worst that we were dealt, understanding though that “into each life a little rain must fall.”
For me, the desire to start a family was based on images of tenderly caring for an infant or small child. In this way, and in the early years, parenting did not disappoint. Taking care of babies was something that came naturally to me.  From a young age, I was drawn toward infants.
With my own wee ones, I derived real and intense pleasure from all of the nurturing that is involved. Holding, bathing, clothing, feeding, comforting – these activities served as a worthy alternative to sleep for many years. This was the stuff that fed my soul.
I remember well that amazing feeling of approaching a crib while the still-sleepy baby, nestled in blankets, slowly awakened and became aware of my presence standing there. Or the toddler that took a tumble and sought refuge in Mommy’s arms for solace and care. I recall fondly the lifting of a warm, clean, and happy baby out of a soapy tub, wrapping him/her in a fluffy towel, and then in jammies, followed by stories, songs, and pre-bed cuddling.
This isn’t to say that parenting in the early days was easy or effortless. On the contrary, it is often relentlessly daunting to care for little ones. Let’s face it:  these “wee ones” are usually needy, demanding, solipsistic, and language challenged. At least in the first year or two. Or three.
But here’s the thing about those days. I never yelled back then. Not ever, not once. My little ones did not intentionally provoke my wrath, or each other’s, for that matter. My kids were verbal, yet no one talked back. In certain ways, it actually demanded less of me as a parent. 
My youngest is about to turn nine, the eldest 14, and there’s one in the middle, and I find myself missing those early days. It’s not that there’s no joy in parenting anymore. There’s plenty of the good stuff; it’s just ... different. The source of the good stuff no longer consists of that day-to-day caretaking that I so deeply relish.
Someone once said there’s a reason nature starts us off with babies, not teens. I know many parents, who like me, got into this business for the love of all things baby.
But there are just as many who breathed a palpable sigh of relief when the highchair, bassinette, stroller, diapers, and sippy cups went away. I’ve heard those parents say they couldn’t wait for the “custodial” phase to be over and for the real engagement with their children to begin. I understand this perspective.  I just don’t happen to share it. Not today anyway.
My mother, by the way, loved the phase of parenting I am currently in.  She called it “The Three Ds”: no one in diapers, but no one yet driving or dating.  These are the best years of parenting, she said, before the real worrying starts.
As for us baby-lovers, didn’t we realize that, if we were fortunate, those little bundles of drooling, stubby-fingered joy would one day grow up and become independent? And isn’t that the goal, after all: to guide them safely into adulthood? Indeed. This is how it should be, this is the natural course of things.
So what are these surprising feelings that have me looking backward even as “my babies” are crossing the threshold into the teen years? Because for me, there is still the old longing. I never expected to still be pining to be the mother of little ones. To once again hold, comfort, nurture.
These days when my kids are sad, disappointed, angry, or frustrated, I’m often not capable of making an immediate impact. I can listen, support, advise, offer a hug. But Mommy’s kisses will no longer make it all better.
Oh well. There’s always other people’s babies, to borrow for a little while.
About this column: Lisa Gibalerio is a Belmont mother of three, wife and chronicler of the life around her.

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