Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Gender

If you've ever wished, begged or prayed for either a boy or a girl... especially if your next child is your last chance... then I know exactly how you feel.

And this letter very well may be the most important letter you ever read.

My name is Ashley Spencer and after having 3 boys I was desperate for a little girl.

As a mother, you love all of your children. But when you grow up dreaming of being a mom - you always DREAM of being a mom to your preferred gender. I sure did.

Did you dream of watching your boy play with toy trucks in the mud? Dream of watching him grow up in to a sweet, strong young man?

Or did you dream of sharing a precious bond with your daughter as you comb through her shiny hair? I know exactly how you feel. And I, too, felt the dull pain and fear of never having my dream child.

I even felt guilty after having my third child... because I was shaken to my core with depression after hearing "it's a boy."

The dreams I looked forward to all my life were crashing down on me.

Instead, the answers to gender selection fell in to my lap as if by fate.

By complete luck my husband stumbled upon well-established, but little-known medical science that lets you choose your baby's gender with a 94.8% success rate.

It's CRAZY that more people don't know about it. But as you'll read there are people out there who prefer these secrets remain hidden.

My husband's discovery came after being introduced to a "lost seminar." And as you'll read in this important letter, it held the key to gender selection.

Here's just some of the...

Gender Selection Secrets
Exposed In This "Lost Seminar"

  • Why it's possible to get pregnant tonight even if you don't have sex... and haven't had sex in days! (Page 5)
  • The special 24-hour window in your ovulation cycle that makes conceiving a boy highly likely. (Page 22)
  • Why Henry the 8th should have executed HIMSELF instead of his wife when she failed to give birth to a son. (Page 7)
  • The simple truths about pregnancy most people don't know about - and as a result they have no control over their baby's gender! (Pages 5-6)
  • Electric foods that carry a small but natural charge that help male sperm win the race to the egg. (Pages 11-12)
  • and more!

And I don't want to forget, on page 44 I show you where to get ideas for planning the perfect baby shower :)

I was cautiously interested when I discovered these gender selection methods.

I was hopeful when I discovered they were based on well-researched medical science.

And I was eternally grateful when I gave birth to my baby girl. There's no greater joy than realizing your dream has come true.

And I want to share that joy with you. I don't plan to have any more kids, so the only thing I can do is tell the world what I know.

That's why I wrote "Pick The Gender Of Your Baby." It's a step-by-step guide for increasing the odds you'll give birth to your preferred gender.

These quick, easy and painless gender selection techniques were compiled from decades of medical research, and finally give hope to parents everywhere.

Inside you'll discover how to greatly influence your baby's gender regardless of your age...

...even if all your present children share the same gender.

...even if your cycle is irregular...

...and EVEN if fertility is an issue.

In fact, I have medical research to help with fertility as well. As a mother of 4 children who had to work hard to have a baby girl, I know exactly how you feel. And this book is my gift to you.

 To  Continue... please visit : http://www.pickthegenderofyourbaby.com/

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